The Healing Journey

series of acrylic paintings // variety of sizes

In 2020, the pandemic wreaked havoc worldwide, bringing suffering to countless individuals, including some of my own family members. Amidst the despair, I was fortunate enough to witness the miraculous recovery of those who fought through intubations and hospitalizations. However, I am aware that not everyone shares the same fortune, as many continue to endure their own unique struggles. Motivated by this backdrop of healing, I embarked on a series that serves as an ode to the journey towards restoration. The initial steps are shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, evoking a sense of fear or brokenness. But slowly, like the emergence of dawn, the darkness begins to dissipate, making way for healing and vitality. Beneath the surface, a force far greater than ourselves accompanies us throughout this journey – our Creator, represented in red here. Though we may not perceive His presence in every single step, His guidance becomes increasingly visible as we move closer to recovery. It is a gentle reminder that even in our darkest hours, we are not alone.




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